90 Day Offer

The proven system to get hired by the right people,

for the right job, in 90 days or less

To learn if 90 Day Offer is right for you, contact Jewel@90DayOffer.com

or visit Linkedin.com/in/revjewel


"Mr. T" Got Hired In 65 Days!

How A Tech Guy Got His New VP Job In 3 Weeks!

How An SVP, Operations Was Able To Get Hired In 30 Days!

10 Weeks For A Sr. Director To Go From Job Searching To Job Found!

3 Lessons I Learned From Getting People Hired In 90 Days Or Less

How A Pharma Rep Landed Her New Job In 5 Weeks

Resume Secrets That Got 4 VPs, 2 CxOs, and 2 Directors Hired

3 Keys Your Resume MUST Have For You To Get Hired In 90 Days Or Less!

How Our Client Got 8 Interviews And 1 Offer In 26 Days!

Marlene went from 6 months of job searching with ZERO call backs, to using the structured steps in The Perfect Job Solution to land her impressive VP role in only 6 weeks!

Noel was desperate to get out of her utterly toxic work environment. She went from application to offer WITH salary increase in only 8 weeks!

Rob went from "job searching" to "job found" in less than 3 weeks, landing a VP role! He tells the story and ends with a key piece of advice for other senior-level candidates.

Patricia is a Director-level Brand Marketer who went from sending out 150+ resumes that got her only 2 phone interviews, to using our system for 6 weeks and landing her dream job!

Kimberly is a Chief Marketing Officer who landed not one, but TWO jobs, catapulting from a Senior Manager role to the top marketing position in her new organization!

Brent is a Sr. Software Product Manager who was job searching at age 50+. It only took 90 days from application to offer, with a 38% salary increase!

Carol had been job searching for a month without success, then used our system that took her 9 weeks from start-to-finish to land her ideal role, with a $10K salary increase!

Al needed to get everything in order: resume, LinkedIn, and relevant connections. He followed the system and got 3 new positions!

The Only Question Now Is: Are You Next?

To learn if 90 Day Offer is right for you, contact Jewel@90DayOffer.com

or visit Linkedin.com/in/revjewel